The Vigiles Amicae is a roleplaying guild in Everquest 2, on the Freeport and Antonia Bayle Servers.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Operations Ledger: central working copy

In the operations of war:

where there are in the field a thousand
swift chariots, as many heavy chariots,
and a hundred thousand mail-clad soldiers
with provisions enough to carry them
a thousand miles,
the expenditure at home and at the front
including entertainment of guests,
small items such as glue and paint,
and sums spent on chariots and armor
will reach the total of
a thousand ounces of silver
per day.

Such is the cost of raising an army
of a hundred thousand men.

Current campaigns:

- New:
Research, mapping, and documentation of Sectors 0-7, 0-8, and 0-9, AKA Ethernere. All subsections awaiting mapping and report. Advise veteran status and extreme caution. Assume all contacts sentient, and potentially hostile.

- Establish diplomatic relations with indigenous races
- Catalog unique species of flora, fauna, and wildlings in each region, along with observable habitat, diet, aggression, and utility.
- Establish trading relationship with any sentient civilizations
- Offer basic hunting any guardian services to sentients against wildlings. Avoid taking contracts against sentients without formal warrant and bounty for arrest confirmed by at least two other sovereign entities, and/or the High Council and/or the Praetor.

Deployments to the Ethernere region restricted, and not to exceed three Norrathian days. All exploration is to be signed off by the High council, and each explorer to be issued one locked mechamagical chronometer, with fail-safe scape-stone set to engage six hours after Nadir on the third day-cycle.

- - -

- New:
Reconaissance and destabilization of the immortal known as Archbishop Marconis Finn of Erollisi.

- Establish secure knowledge of the movements and resources of the enemy
- Identify weaknesses and points of influence on the enemy
- Disrupt political influence where possible without entangling VA

Assume all contacts hostile, potential diplomatic significance. Marconis is not to be approached directly, nor alone, nor by any suceptible to or untrained in the psionic arts of coersion.

- - -

- New: 
Pursuit and capture of the vampire Valacor Valinos for summery courts-martial

- Objectives:

- Officers and experienced soldiers with Priority clearance only. No civilian or youth to be permitted to engage at any time.
- Discover and record any current aliases for addition to the sealed file.
- Proceed with caution: target is politically adept and may have formed alliances of convenience as a personal shield against discipline.
- Since abandoning VA, target may have acquired one or more slaves. Such are to be treated as hostages, and are NOT to be harmed.
- Target likely to have placed hostages under mental compulsions to defend him unto death, and may affirm they chose to enter bondage freely. Their claims are not to be believed.
- Open combat is to be avoided. Prime objective is to neutralize and apprehend target for discipline, not to create casualties.

Assume all contacts hostile, potential diplomatic significance. Valacor is not to be approached directly, nor alone, nor by any suceptible to or untrained in the psionic arts of coersion.

- - -

- Continuing: 

Reconaissance in New Halas, Qeynos and Kelethin regarding the status and organization of the Erolissian cults

- Objectives:
- Establish secure knowledge of the succession and hierarchy
- Identify weaknesses and points of influence within, and test the same

- - -

- Continuing: 

Research, containment and cleansing of unknown plague spread from Qeynos.

- Objectives:

- Establish secure knowledge of the epicenter, patient zero, and causal mechanisms whether physical, alchemical, or magical.
- Identify weaknesses and points of influence on the pestilence
- Maintain communication with the Chief Medical Officer of Order of Solace, Captain Ravvenstar, regarding the nature and progression of the cure and/or origin.

- - -

- Continuing: 

Research, mapping, and documentation of SE Sector 9. Subsections awaiting full reports as follows: Withered Lands, Cobalt Scar, Hold of Rime, Forgotten Pools, Iceshard Keep, Kraytoc Fortress, Krael, Fortress of Drunder, Throne of Storms


- Establish diplomatic relations with indigenous races
- Catalogu unique species of flora,  fauna, and wildlings in each region, along with observable habitat, diet, aggression, and utility.
- Establish trading relationship with any sentient civilizations
- Offer basic hunting any guardian services to sentientss against wildlings. Avoid taking contracts against sentients without formal warrant and bounty for arrest confirmed by at least two other sovereign entities, and/or the High Council and/or the Praetor.

Completed Actions / Finished Campaigns:

- Reconaissance in Neriak and on the approach to the Storm Island off the coast.

- trail one Veldrath Cel'Voda
- map approaches to the Isle owned by Veldrath Cel'Voda without engaging hostilities
-- Campaign progress: clean-up

- - -

- Reconaissance and recovery mission in Faedwer, possibly into D'Vinnian territory


- map approaches to the territory in greater detail, correcting old maps
- investigate recent D'Vinnian activity
- note any traces of draconic activity
- look for sign of the girl known as Chryso, or any other Erollissian activity
- ask after signs of one necromancer, Teir'dal, gray of complexion and colorless hair, dour of disposition.

Assume all contacts hostile, potential diplomatic significance

Current Deployments:

- Scutari-aspirant Tyoril D'Vrynn
- Assigned to rescue mission: choice of Greenhood unit in Zek, or Halas pioneers.

- Equites-adjunct Folodu Amrunrosse
- Field support for Jarseth training excercise, Friday.

- Legate Fafnier Brangwin
- Reconaissance in the Loping Plains in Faydwer regarding the movements and intrigues among the local vampiric clans and their connection to the Renda'Dal and the D'Vinnian court.

- Scutari Eolande Darkwhisper
- Acquisition of relics from the Age of Turmoil, especially in the jaggedpine, Misty Isle, and Karana plains.

- Scutari Jerral V'Therralos
- Begin vampire timelines leading either to the estate of Unrest or the Mistmoore Catacombs

Completed assignments:

- Aspirant Rencey Val'Shade
- complete Faction timelines for all three Courts in Maj Dul
- complete at least one writ in Thurdgadin
- ((ICly complete))
- Scutari Bramus Harrowglade Malifact
- Complete quests in the T'Haen and Bloodline Chronicles timeline at least as far as earning the faction armor.
- ((ICly complete))
- Scutari Randorh marrgavel Malifact
- Same as Bramus, but for the opposing faction at Soul Eater Falls In Nektulos
- ((ICly complete))

Current penance issued:

- Pending:
Scutari Vauldr D'Saren to research and defeat lesser draconic chaos-born in Jarsath wastes for fleeing battle before completion.

- Pending:
Aspirant Kelonu for refusal to obey a direct order from a superior officer for removal to quarentine upon contraction of plague

- Pending:
Chief Battle Medic Mifaesh Kal'Daka for unapproved absence from duty.


- Former Vigiles Captain Folodu Amrunrosse assigned exile until further notice to Velious for insubordination, mutiny, and endangerment of the Amicae.
Recalled during the Year of Xegony, on probation.

- Complete:
Aspirant Malicce Stormharrow
- 70 gold to the Gorowyn Steward
- A full set of platemaile appropriate to the use of Civitas Chevanima Amrunrosse (( 32 mc gear, rares supplied by VA ))
Wards records from Summer Solstice:

- Akhutai Ssarathi, first warning
- Valacor Valinos, first warning
- Valacor Valinos, major strike
- Randie Krieger, first warning

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