The Vigiles Amicae is a roleplaying guild in Everquest 2, on the Freeport and Antonia Bayle Servers.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

NMN bonus: The 12 days of Frostfell

Unrest.Praektiss~~~~Homeshow:: "hugs Jazzabelle - just read your post on the 12 days of Frostfell - great :) "
Jazabelle~~~~Homeshow:: "Wasn't me! Was Darkzephyr."
Jazabelle~~~~Homeshow:: "Our guild is a little crazy."
Oasis.Delepitore~~~~Homeshow:: "ALL LIES"
Oasis.Delepitore~~~~Homeshow:: "I DONT STREAK!"
Oasis.Delepitore~~~~Homeshow:: "Or say dirty things"
Permafrost.Mawari~~~~Homeshow:: "LIES"
Unrest.Praektiss~~~~Homeshow:: "oh my bad - of course - but it was from all of you over there though :) still fun to read"
Wynterr~~rplfg:: "You know thses Humbug can fly pretty far when you hit them with a big hammer”
Tekka~~~~Homeshow:: "Does anyone know when the twelve days of frostfell is supposed to start?"
Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "what is that?"
Lyzabethan~~~~Homeshow:: "that's not this year"
Tekka~~~~Homeshow:: "whaaaat? "
Lyzabethan~~~~Homeshow:: "yeah, I know"
Wynterr~~rplfg:: "Ouch,he going to leave a stain on the wall"
Lyzabethan~~~~Homeshow:: "and no Child's Play"

"On the first day of frostfell a troll gave to me: a train to the zone that killed me."

Freeport.Ashidea~~~~Homeshow:: "On the fifth day of Frostfell, my true love gave to me...N-O-T-H-I-N-G..."
Tekka~~~~Homeshow:: "wow, I was disappointed about the hero festival lack of real sale... but this..."
Lyzabethan~~~~Homeshow:: "there's a guide on Zam for all the advanced solo zones"
Macabri~~rplfg:: "Just dabb bits of Frostfell cube ice on it to keep it from staining."
Wynterr~~rplfg:: "Ok I will do that"

"On the second day of frostfell a troll gave to me: two party wipes and a train to the zone that killed me.”

Aderissa~~~~Homeshow:: "LOL"
Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "la, la, la!"
Wynterr~~rplfg:: "Oh waite,I cant do that,I killed them all"
Tekka~~~~Homeshow:: "I wonder if Vault of Serillis is out as well"
Lera~~rplfg:: "NO HARMING CUBES!"

"On the third day of frostfell a troll gave to me: three kill steals, two party wipes, and a train to the zone that killed me."

Macabri~~rplfg:: "They are vile filthy things!"
Wynterr~~rplfg:: "TO LATE"
Tekka~~~~Homeshow:: "HA"
Lera~~rplfg:: "They are not! They're friendly creatures that only want to hug you."
Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "more, more!"
Macabri~~rplfg:: "The last time a Frostfell cub tried to "hug" I had to go see a mender!"

"On the fourth day of frostfell a troll gave to me: four undercuts on the broker, three kill steals, two party wipes and a train to the zone that killed me"

Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "lol"

"On the fifth day of frost fell a troll said to me: He Is Qho! Four undercuts, three kill steals, two party wipes, and a train to the zone that killed me"

Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "oh! does the Enchanted Mushrooms start tomorrow? I need roof tiles for my outhouse!"
Lera~~~~Homeshow:: "It does! With double tokens if you're Gold."
Butcherblock.Katryona~~~~Homeshow:: "yes"
Wynterr~~rplfg:: "Lera.we wont kill anymore cube,if you say your a frostfell elf"
Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "sweet! thanks. *Sings* Heeee isssssSSSss Qho!"
Lera~~rplfg:: "But I'm not a Frostfell elf."
Wynterr~~rplfg:: "are to"
Arklonn~~rplfg:: "It's the frostfell elf!"

"On the sixth day of frostfell a troll gave to me: six harvests stolen, HEEE Issss Qho! Four undercuts, three kill steals, and a train to the zone that killed me"

Faelen~~rplfg:: "Does melting a cube count as killing?"
Macabri~~rplfg:: "what about breaking them up and tossing into my sweet tea drink?"
Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "nice! keep going!"
Lera~~rplfg:: "No!"
Lleskia~~~~Homeshow:: "lol, that is too cute!!"
Everfrost.Remmey~~~~Homeshow:: "haha! Cute!"

"On the seventh day of Frostfell a troll gave to me: seven complaints to SOE, six harvests stolen, Heee Isss Qho! Four undercuts, three kill steals, two party wipes, and a train to the zone that killed me"

Wynterr~~rplfg:: "We should have a cooking contest to see who can come up with the best dish made from Cubes"
Faelen~~rplfg:: "Cube, a la Cube. With Cube marinade and Cube garnish."

"On the eighth day of frostfell a troll gave to me: eight hours of hotfixes, seven complaints to SOE, six harvests stolen, HE-EE IS QHO! (the little bugger) Four undercuts, three kill steals, two party wipes, and a train to the zone that killed me."

Faelen~~rplfg:: "And for dessert, Cube cake with Cube frosting, Cube tea with little sugar Cubes."
Macabri~~rplfg:: "I'd win that one... I have a recipe from my mother. Nerian Frosty Whiskey sour. Crush up Frostfell Cubes, Halasian Whiskey, tears from a Frostfell elf to sweet and sour it up, garnish as necessary with lemon! :}"
Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "lol that is great :)"
Unrest.Praektiss~~~~Homeshow:: "is it worthwhile buying the deep Green Gemstone recipe for the average players adornments in Vesspyr?"
Wynterr~~rplfg:: "We can get Lera to judge it"
Alupia~~rplfg:: "That sounds good. I will have one of those...."
Macabri~~rplfg:: "I am afriad I am short some Frostfell elf tears. "
Alupia~~rplfg:: "Hmm..... "

"On the ninth day of Frostfell a troll gave to me: nine screens of death, eight hours of hotfix, seven SOE complaints, six harvests stolen, five QHO (the bugger), four undercuts, three kill steals, two party wipes, and a train to the zone that killed me"

Alupia~~rplfg:: "Bah. shouldn't be that hard to make a Frostfell elf cry."
Atrisha~~rplfg:: "Melt their snow with dragons fire?"
Wynterr~~rplfg:: "Get some from Lera,she should be crying by now"
Alupia~~rplfg:: "*snicker*"
Lera~~rplfg:: "*chases with Explosive Material*"
Lera~~~~Homeshow:: "Ooooo. Explosive Material"

"On the tenth day of Frostfell a troll gave to me: ten linked bosses, nine screens of death, eight hours of hotfix, seven SOE complaints, six harvests stolen, NO I WONT GET ONE MORE THING, four undercuts, three kill steals, two party wipes, and a train to zone that killed me."

Alupia~~rplfg:: "think we made her mad..... "
Atrisha~~rplfg:: "Explode their presents is a good idea too. Nice idea."
Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "lol"
Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "i want the white bushes with the red and green spots on them. they are cool."
Freeport.Ashidea~~~~Homeshow:: "Please tell me somebody's logging this, it belongs on Facebook or something."
Permafrost.Mawari~~~~Homeshow:: "ME TOO"
Permafrost.Mawari~~~~Homeshow:: "woops"
Permafrost.Mawari~~~~Homeshow:: "But yes, enthusiasm"
Macabri~~rplfg:: "My mother's recipe said "tears of frostfell elf" not sure what results you would get substituting that with "exploded bits of charred frostfell elf""

"On the Eleventh day of Frostfell a troll gave to me: eleven invisible mobs, ten linked bosses, nine screens of death, eight hours of hotfix, seven SOE complaints, six harvests stolen I'm talking to your mom you little snit, four undercuts, three kill steals, two party wipes, and a train to zone that killed me."

Alupia~~rplfg:: "It would simply give it a nice, smokey flavor...... I am sure it would compliment the whiskey."
Whiskertwitch~~~~Homeshow:: "ahahahaha!"
Macabri~~rplfg:: "mhmm, that does sound delicious."
Permafrost.Mawari~~~~Homeshow:: "I'm talking to your mom you little snit! I cracked up"

“On the Last day of Frostfell, a troll gave to me: a servercrash that…”

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